Welcome to Forest City Archers

The Forest City Archers (FCA) is a member’s only, non-profit, volunteer organization that was established in 1954. The FCA is affiliated with Archery Ontario (previously Ontario Association of Archers) and Archery Canada. Our outdoor facility is located at 21940 Valleyview Road, Thames Centre, Ontario and is accessible 365 days a year.
The FCA 64 acre property rests on the banks of the Thames River and is near the town of Thorndale, just slightly northeast of London. We cater to all types of archery, including traditional (longbow and recurve bow), compound bow and crossbow shooters. Our club offers two practice archery ranges and a 2 km forested archery course. The fifty realistic 3D Rinehart foam targets can be challenging for the hunter, yet still fun and enjoyable for the recreational archer